Staff Trainnings/FDP/Workshops

Academic Year 2023-24

Sr.No Name of Staff Topic of Training Venue Duration
1 P. P. Dadhich School Innovation Ambassador Training Program(Design Thinking and Innovation Module) Ministery of Education’s Innovation Cell,AICTE,CBSE(online) (26 hours)01/08/2023-30/08/2023
2 Y.V.Chandratre School Innovation Ambassador Training Program(Design Thinking and Innovation Module) Ministery of Education’s Innovation Cell,AICTE,CBSE(online) (26 hours)01/08/2023-30/08/2023
3 S. V. Karande  FDP on “EDA Tools & Virtual Lab”  Shri Siddheshwar Women’s Polytechnic, Solapur(online) 24/08/2023 - 26/08/2024
4 P. P. Dadhich  FDP on “EDA Tools & Virtual Lab”  Shri Siddheshwar Women’s Polytechnic, Solapur(online) 24/08/2023 - 26/08/2024
5 J. G. Sulakshane  FDP on “EDA Tools & Virtual Lab”  Shri Siddheshwar Women’s Polytechnic, Solapur(online) 24/08/2023 - 26/08/2024
6 S. V. Karande IOT-the future Technology GGSP,ISTE,IEI faculty chapter 16/10/23- 18/10/23
7 S. V. Karande MSBTE workshop –internal and Institutional Growth GGSP,Nashik 31/10/2023
8 S. V. Karande NEP-2020 Emerging Trends in Design and Development, Implementation and Assessment of Holistic and Multidisciplinary outcome based curriculum NITTTR,Bhopal(online) 20/11/2023-24/11/2023

Academic Year 2022-23

Sr.No Name of Staff Topic of Training Venue Duration
1 R. E. Potdar Workshop on Effective teaching Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 28/09/20222 to 02/10/2022
2 R.S.Taday Workshop on Effective teaching Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 28/09/20222 to 02/10/2022
3 Y.V.Chandratre Train the Trainer workshop based on aptitude Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 01/10/2022 to 12/10/2022
4 R.S.Taday Train the Trainer workshop based on aptitude Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 01/10/2022 to 12/10/2022
5 Y.V.Chandratre 5 days FDP on Arduino Programming using Tinkercad NITTTR Chennai 31/10/2022 to 4/11/2022
6 Prof. S. V. Karande Embedded System Design Pantech Solutions(online) 13/10/2022 to 15/11/2022
7 S. P. Lokhande Innovation Ambassador Training MoE's Innovation Cell And AICTE(online) 1/11/2022 to 20/11/2022
8 J. G. Sulakshane Data Science using Machnine Learning Pravara Rural Enggineering College(online) 02/01/2023-06/01/2023
9 S. P. Lokhande Electronic System Design K.K. Wagh Institute of Enggineering 09/01/2023- 14/01/2023
10 R.S.Taday Electronic System Design K.K. Wagh Institute of Enggineering 09/01/2023- 14/01/2023
11 J. G. Sulakshane Mechatronics GGS Engineering & Research Centre 22/02/2023- 25/02/2023
12 S. P. Lokhande Mechatronics GGS Engineering & Research Centre 22/02/2023- 25/02/2023
13 J. G. Sulakshane Innovation Research & IPR-Journey towards Excellence Sardar Patel college of Engineering 01/03/2023-05/03/2023
14 V. H. Kate Data Science & Chat GPT K. L. University & ExcelR(online) 15/5/2023-19/5/2023
15 S. P. Lokhande Data Science & Chat GPT K. L. University & ExcelR (online) 15/5/2023-19/5/2023
16 S. P. Lokhande Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship (IDE) Bootcamp, 2023 at COE Pune 21/6/2023 to 25/6/2023
17 J. G. Sulakshane Data analysis APSSDC  & ExcelR (online) 19/6/2023 to 23/6/2023
18 V. H. Kate Emotional Intelligence GGSP (online) 22/6/2023 to 24/6/2023

Academic Year 2021-22

Sr.No Name of Staff Topic of Training Venue Duration
1 S.A.Kolhe AICTE Workshop on Examonation Reforms Faculty Development (AICTE) and KLE Tech. University Karnataka 14/2/2022 to 16/02/2022
2 S.A.Kolhe "5 Days ATAL FDP on Advanced
Industrial Automation"
Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 06/12/2021 to 10/12/2021
3 S.A.Kolhe FDP on Professional Ethics and Etiquettes Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 18/11/2021 to 22/11/2021
4 S.A.Kolhe FDP on Hands on workshop on IoT and Proteus simulation Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 23/03/2022 to 27/03/2022
5 V.V.Palve "5 Days ATAL FDP on Advanced
Industrial Automation"
Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 06/12/2021 to 10/12/2021
6 V.V.Palve FDP on Professional Ethics and Etiquettes Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 18/11/2021 to 22/11/2021
7 V.V.Palve FDP on Hands on workshop on IoT and Proteus simulation Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 23/03/2022 to 27/03/2021
8 Y.V.Chandratre 5 Days ATAL FDP on "Hands on Training with Industrial Automation Systems" Anna University. 15/11/2021 to 19/11/2021
9 Y.V.Chandratre Five-Days Workshop on “Advanced Industrial Automation Training for Engineering Education and Research " Department of ECE, IIIT Tiruchirappalli 31-01-2022 to 04-02-2022
10 Y.V.Chandratre AICTE Workshop on Examonation Reforms Faculty Development (AICTE) and KLE Tech. University Karnataka 14/2/2022 to 16/02/2022
11 Y.V.Chandratre FDP on Professional Ethics and Etiquettes Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 18/11/2021 to 22/11/2021
12 Y.V.Chandratre "5 Days ATAL FDP on Advanced
Industrial Automation"
Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 06/12/2021 to 10/12/2021
13 S.P. Lokhande FDP on Professional Ethics and Etiquettes Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 18/11/2021 to 22/11/2021
14 S.P. Lokhande FDP on Hands on workshop on IoT and Proteus simulation Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 23/03/2022 to 27/03/2022
15 J. G. Sulakshane FDP on Professional Ethics and Etiquettes Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 18/11/2021 to 22/11/2021
16 J. G. Sulakshane FDP on Hands on workshop on IoT and Proteus simulation Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 23/03/2022 to 27/03/2022
17 R. E. Potdar FDP on Hands on workshop on IoT and Proteus simulation Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 23/03/2022 to 27/03/2022

Academic Year 2020-21

Sr.No Name of Staff Topic of Training Venue Duration
1 S.A.Kolhe 5 Days Online FDP on Machine Learning Master Class Pantech Solution 19/04/2021 to 23/04/2021
2 S.A.Kolhe ATAL Academy Online FDP on Internet of Things NITTTR 7/9/2020 to 11/90/2020
3 S.A.Kolhe ATAL Academy Online FDP on Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Gandhi Institute of technology and managementGitam Off Campus Bengluru 23/11/2020 to 27/11/2020
4 S.A.Kolhe ATAL Academy Online FDP om Robotics Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology 5/1/2021 to 9/1/2021
5 V.V.Palve ATAL Academy Online FDP on System engineering with application of IoT Department of Computer Science,Cochin university of Science and Technology 02/02/2021 to 06/02/2021
6 Y.V.Chandratre 5 Days FDP on Mechatronics Sandip Polytechnic ,Nashik 05/04/2021 to 09/04/2021
7 S.P. Lokhande ATAL Academy Online FDP om Robotics Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology Navi Mumbai 14/12/2020 to 18/12/2020
8 S.P. Lokhande ATAL Academy Online FDP on Internet of Things Department of Computer Science,Cochin university of Science and Technology 02/02/2021 to 06/02/2021
9 S.R.Gaikwad ATAL Academy Online FDP om Robotics Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology Navi Mumbai 14/12/2020 to 18/12/2020
10 S.R.Gaikwad ATAL Academy Online FDP on Internet of Things Department of Computer Science,Cochin university of Science and Technology 02/02/2021 to 06/02/2021

Academic Year 2019-20

Sr.No Name of Staff Topic of Training Venue Duration
1 S.A.Kolhe Industrial Training on Embedded System NEC, Nashik 5/8/2019 To 9/8/2019
2 S.A.Kolhe Workshop on Development of Leaening Material on Emerging Trends for E&TC RBTE,Pune 28/08/2019 To 30/08/2019
3 S.A.Kolhe Workshop on Development of Leaening Material on Emerging Trends for E&TC RBTE,Pune 19/09/2019 To 21/09/2020
4 Y.V.Chadratre Industrial Training Web Designing Sumago Infotech Nashik 29/07/2019 to 02/08/2019
5 V.V.Palve Industrial Training on Mechatronics Strama Sumitt Machinnery Nashik 21/08/2019 to 23/08/2019
6 P.P.Dadhich Industrial Training on Recent Trends in E&TC National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Aurangabad 18/09/2019 To 20/09/2019
7 Y.V.Chadratre Industrial Training on Mechatronics Module Siemens, Kalwan, Mumbai 18/11/2019- 30/11/2019

Academic Year 2018-19

Sr.No Name of Staff Topic of Training Venue Duration
1 S.A.Kolhe I Scheme Curriculum Orientation K.K.Wagh Polytechnic ,Nashik 20th June 2018
2 S.A.Kolhe Short term training Program through ICT Mode on Outcomes Based Education and Accreditation GGSCOERC, Nashik 24th Sep. to 28 Sep.2018
3 P.P.Dadhich Short term training Program through ICT Mode on Outcomes Based Education and Accreditation GGSCOERC, Nashik 24th Sep. to 28 Sep.2018
4 S.A.Kolhe MSBTE Sponcered Hands Training on PLC and Industrial Automation Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 10th Dec.2018 to 14th Dec.2018
5 V.V.Palve MSBTE Sponcered Hands Training on PLC and Industrial Automation Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 10th Dec.2018 to 14th Dec.2018
6 Simran Marwaha Faculty Development Program on Train the Teachers Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 2nd Feb.2019
7 S.S.Shejawalkar Faculty Development Program on Train the Teachers Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic,Nashik 2nd Feb.2019
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