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Department of Humanities & Science is the backbone & an indispensable department of the Institution. The department of Humanities & Science is a full-fledged supporting department to other core departments in the institute. The department helps the students in improving their confidence and developing their competitiveness through education & scientific ideas.
The department can boast of its highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculties who impart excellent quality education in the area of Humanities & Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry) and Humanities i.e., English &Communication skills to the future technocrats of all streams. The Department has well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and English.
In todays technical era, Physics and Chemistry are greatly involved in the world of engineering whether it is aerospace, mechanical, environmental or other engineering fields; the makeup of substances is always a key factor which must be known.
The department of Applied Science aims to provide a strong foundation in the fundamental sciences. Students of diploma in engineering are provided with the basic tools of analysis as well as the knowledge of the principles on which engineering is based. The department also strives to instil the scientific temper and the spirit of enquiry in students. It encourages the students to understand and therefore apply the physical laws to the development of their fields of study.
The department provides the students with a number of opportunities to develop their overall personality by participating in various extra-curricular and co-curricular activities that are held throughout the year in the institute. The faculty members of the department take very active part in organizing these activities to provide students a genuine platform to showcase their inherent talent and skills.