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Civil engineering being one of the core and most fundamental engineering branches is fully dedicated towards the same teaching and learning philosophy of the Foundation. We take it as our moral and social responsibility to imbibe the state of art technological information to be forwarded to the student fraternity of Civil engineering. In the modern world of construction where we witness every day as a day of a new construction method, material and skill, it is very much important to forward the same to the students by means of latest teaching aids and by providing an equal and proper learning platform. Hence with a team of dozen of highly qualified and experienced faculty members we offer the most enjoyable and effective learning to all the students. We constantly look at bright enthusiastic students who have passion to participate in all our activities & promote them to the level of leaders.
Department is accredited by NBA New Delhi, since 2017 till date and is the first Polytechnic and Department in India to have life membership of Indian Plumbing Association since 2018 along with Life Membership of Indian Chapter of American Concrete Institute since 2021.
-Prof. P. G. Chavan (M.E-Environmental Engineering) Head of Department